Company secretarial


The last thing you need as a busy business owner is to use up valuable time and resources to make sure you are complying with the continuously changing Companies Act requirements.

We can give you complete peace of mind in this area by carrying out your company secretarial duties for you including:

  • Company formations
  • Preparation and filing of statutory returns
  • Preparation of documentation related to minutes and resolutions
  • Maintenance of statutory books
  • Advice on change of shareholdings etc
  • General advice on company law

Business startup


You want to start a business because you are an entrepreneur with a great idea and the vision to make it a reality. And we’re here to help you do just that.

You can focus on what you are best at i.e. building your business, while we can provide you with the

background support including help with the following:

  • Preparing a business plan
  • Determining the best structure for your business e.g. sole trader, partnership, limited company or limited liability partnership.
  • Company formation and related secretarial duties
  • Registering the business with HMRC
  • Advising on registration with other regulatory bodies
  • Establishing relationships with banks, insurers etc
  • Tax planning
  • Support and guide through the process of obtaining finance
  • Choosing the right accounting software for your, if required
  • Bookkeeping services, management accounting and annual accounts
  • Meeting the regulatory requirements (HMRC, Companies House etc).

Contact us today to discuss how we can help you get your business up and running.

Business planning


As a business owner you have no doubt been reminded on more than one occasion of the importance of business planning. But while agreeing that planning is planning you probably rarely have time to sit down and think about business planning and ended up relying on your intuition.

Experience has taught us that while intuition is the driving force behind entrepreneurship, planning is equally important to achieve your objectives and keep your business on track.

Without planning, the proactive management is replaced by reactive coping with unforeseen events and risk of missing out new opportunities.

Our team of experts with an overview of all aspects of business planning and regulatory environment can help you through the planning process.

Contact us today if you would like us to run a planning session for you.